中 国 电 信 ( 欧 洲 ) 有 限 公 司 C h i n a T e l e c o m ( E u r o p e ) L t d .
Logistics and Supply Chain Technology Report 2021
Choices in the location of your global supply chain and the technology that you use to connect it all are critical to the success of your business. In today’s environment, these decisions aren’t always simply influenced by only your own business, but by everyone else in your industry. Being physically close to your upstream and downstream suppliers and having matching technological capabilities will result in better coordination and stronger efficiency in your supply chain.
With this report, we hope to provide a snapshot of what others in the supply chain industry are thinking and acting upon when it comes to both geographic footprint and technology adoption.
These decisions are never easy, so it is essential to have partners that have the capabilities to advise your business in the regions that are important to your operations.
China Telecom (Europe) has been helping businesses with large supply chain requirements for years, with a particular focus on helping European businesses with their regional operations in the China – Asia Pacific region. From cross border telecommunications, technology and related regulatory requirements, we are well placed to provide bespoke solutions. We provide businesses with the latest infrastructure they need to keep pace with the rest of the industry and to run what tech experts often refer to as “Killer apps”. Ultimately, you cannot capitalise on the value of these innovative apps without the right connectivity infrastructure needed for them to run.
Marko Cakalic Head of Enterprise Sales DACH
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