Logistics and Supply Chain Technology Report 2021

中 国 电 信 ( 欧 洲 ) 有 限 公 司 C h i n a T e l e c o m ( E u r o p e ) L t d .

Logistics and Supply Chain Technology Report 2021

Introduction: Executive Insights

Supply chain operations continue to evolve from both a geographic and technology perspective. In this report, we explore these two aspects to understand what strategic imperatives are being addressed by businesses with global supply chains. A survey was conducted to understand what leaders in the supply chain industry are focusing on when it comes to the China – Asia Pacific (APAC) market along with the technology shifts that are occurring as a results of ever expanding distances for the movement of goods. As a key insight into the China – APAC market, supply chain businesses continue to see this region of the world as one that is crucial for their success. For example, we found that 95% of the supply chain businesses surveyed have their supply chain operations influenced by China in some degree. The data also showed that upwards of 79% had operations in some part of the China – APAC region with a majority showing they have presence in either China or Southeast Asia. Beyond geographic spread of supply chain, the survey results have shown a growing trend in increasing IT budgets and attention on digital transformation projects such as cloud, IoT, cybersecurity and AI. More and more supply chain operators are moving towards technology that builds a greater competitive advantage in cross border collaboration and leads to efficiency gains. This aligns with many of the trends we reported about in our Cloud Computing in Supply Chain Management report. These technology gains needs to be supported by an infrastructure foundation that is fast, flexible and secure. Without the network connectivity required by these new technology innovations, the supply chain operators will find it difficult to realise the value of these IT projects.

Global supply chain businesses will need to analyse where the industry is heading and plan where and how they can keep pace in order to achieve better integration in their operations.



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