CTE Doing Business in China/APAC Cheatsheet


DATA PROTECTION IN CHINA Many Chinese laws are similar to GDPR when it comes to data storage. The following forms of data must be stored in China:

To do business in the China-APAC region, there are plenty of regulations to follow. First and foremost, you’ll need the right provisions for internet services and an understanding of China-APAC data protection regulations. INTERNET REGULATIONS What are the key considerations for a business operating in the China APAC region? What are the regional equivalents of GDPR? China Telecom (Europe) has the experts at hand to assist.

DATA COLLECTED AND/OR PROCESSED BY A LEVEL 3 SYSTEM OR ABOVE System levels are defined by China’s Multi-Layer protection scheme. This covers data collected, saved, transmitted and processed. SPECIAL DATA This includes governmental data collected by cloud service providers such as credit history, population data, addresses and more. CROSS-BORDER DATA TRANSFERS In order to transfer important data such as personal information between Europe and China, a business needs to ensure they have adequately informed their users of how their data will be handled. They also need to get all the legal documentation required for the transfer in advance.

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