EB2 - Interconnection for Banking's Digital Revolution

Improve Sustainability with Better Data Visibility Continued Traditional, centralised IT architectures are obstructing improvements. To support the development of greener products and services, retail banks need the ability to collect data on customer behaviour and preferences. As well as this, banks must ensure that they are being more sustainable within their own operations and need the ability to gather data from across the organisation to support sustainability reporting and greater transparency. However, centralised IT results in data silos, preventing the visibility and sharing of real time business information. Legacy IT systems rely on older data centres that are often associated with higher carbon footprints—making it difficult or impossible to meet the sustainability demands of different stakeholders.

Interconnection enables better reporting, improved insight to support new product development and reduced carbon footprint. Enabling banks to: Collect and share real time sustainability data across the business. A single, global platform enables integrated reporting and increased transparency across the business, to better meet stakeholders’ needs. Gain the real time customer insights necessary to drive development of new sustainable products. By locating data and analytics at the digital edge, banks can get closer to the source where customer insights are generated. Reduce IT carbon footprint. Equinix is the first data centre company to commit to supplying 100% clean and renewable energy. With data centres meeting the highest standards of environmental performance, utilising them as interconnection hubs helps banks achieve their carbon reduction goals.


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