中 国 电 信 ( 欧 洲 ) 有 限 公 司 C h i n a T e l e c o m ( E u r o p e ) L t d .
Logistics and Supply Chain Technology Report 2021
Have you experienced any of the following with your existing telecommunications infrastructure in China-APAC region?
Regulatory Compliance
Packet loss
Slow connection speeds
Outages to connection
The problem of regulation was also cited as a key issue with existing telecommunications infrastructure, with 42% of respondents citing regulatory compliance issues as a persistent problem over and above general issues. Telecommunication regulation in every country varies, so trying to navigate these on your own can be difficult. For instance, businesses operating in China are better placed when using approved private internet line connections rather than public internet to ensure that the software they use works inside and outside of China. Slow connection speeds when connecting to China-APAC teams (21%), and outages in their connection to the China-APAC region (12%) were also notable issues. Many public networks have struggled with the increase in load over the past year, often suffering packet loss resulting in poor quality audio and video. This was a persistent issue for a quarter of the businesses we queried (25%). Those attempting to remedy this should look to strong regional providers from China-APAC who can provide a robust Service Level Agreement with providers for critical Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) applications.
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