中 国 电 信 ( 欧 洲 ) 有 限 公 司 C h i n a T e l e c o m ( E u r o p e ) L t d .
Logistics and Supply Chain Technology Report 2021
Conclusion: Understanding the industry you work within helps to determine the direction you take as a business. This snapshot provided by the survey results should help any supply chain operator with your next steps in future plans as we move closer to the end of 2021. The trends in the survey reveal a supply chain industry that continues to be highly connected to the China – Asia Pacific. This region has proven to be central to many in the supply chain industry today and into the future as it proves to be a major source of production centres and a growth market for consumption of goods. In addition, technological innovation proves to be at the top of mind for many supply chain leaders as spending and adoption of cloud, IoT and other digital transformation tools makes greater break- throughs in the supply chain industry. This rapidly increasing adoption has been spurred on by the dramatic events this past year including the global pandemic and developments in the geo-political space. Because of this, infrastructure such as 5G is being built to support a changing technology landscape of faster processes and more data.
The question that is relevant to more and more leaders in the supply chain businesses is “Are you keeping pace with the digital transformation in the industry and with other global businesses?”
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