Logistics and Supply Chain Technology Report 2021

中 国 电 信 ( 欧 洲 ) 有 限 公 司 C h i n a T e l e c o m ( E u r o p e ) L t d .

Logistics and Supply Chain Technology Report 2021

Furthermore, smart deployment of Customer Premise Equipment (CPE) will help businesses to take advantage of cost-effective 5G mmWave performance by relaying phone signals to a host of mobile devices, industrial modules and other connected devices from a local network rather than by accessing increasingly congested public networks.

Data: Lifeblood of Prediction Having access to real-time data as well as large amounts of historical time-series data from sensors can help to reduce information barriers within a modern business intelligence environment. Improved analytics and visualisation can provide productive insights in decision-making scenarios, as well as increasing understanding of cross-departmental engagement and understanding. Enabling collaborative thinking through clear, data-based insights can allow organisations to dynamically solve problems in a way that is cohesive across operations, breaking down silos and reducing inter-departmental confusion. IoT devices can also enable business to expand the remit of human-in-the-loop AI. Generating predictive insights requires learning models to be developed in tandem with automation throughout the supply chain. Predictive models served by real-time as well as historical data will foster more effective business planning from the warehouse to the last mile and allow for more optimised decision-making.

Does your company utilize Internet of Things (IoT) capabilities in your supply chain and logistics operations?










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