中 国 电 信 ( 欧 洲 ) 有 限 公 司 C h i n a T e l e c o m ( E u r o p e ) L t d .
Logistics and Supply Chain Technology Report 2021
Which of the following have you experienced as challenges when incorporating cloud technology into your operations? Reducing technical debt and removing legacy infrastructure is a crucial benefit of moving to the cloud. Furthermore, the interconnected nature of business enabled by a modern cloud-based operation also allows for improved ease of collaboration with partners (54%) as utilising a common framework and data store can reduce friction when integrating with suppliers and further lowers overheads.
Integration of legacy systems
Security of your data
Cloud migration
Ongoing cost management
* Multiple answers allowed
The greatest challenge facing the logistics industry’s move to the cloud is the integration of legacy systems into this new working environment. The disadvantages of many legacy systems were clearly shown by the pandemic, lacking the ability to plan at speed or be effectively automated. Moving away from manual intervention and towards the cloud enables substantial efficiency gains in these areas. However, whilst a number of processes can be smoothly mapped into a cloud environment, a total transition to the cloud is easier said than done for a number of businesses, with migration referenced as a persistent concern for 36% of our respondents. In attempting to ease this transition, businesses might seek out advanced interconnection solutions such as cloud exchanges, which provide seamless and direct access from any office, data centre, or colocation environment around the world and the security of a high performing and reliable connection.
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